Transformers RID Stealthasaurus Rex Grimlock |
In the Transformers: Robots in Disguise animated series, Bumblebee leads a team of Autobots. Their mission: capture Decepticons that are loose on Earth . and do it without being discovered. Join Bumblebee and his team and help them chase down Decepticons with Transformers: Robots in Disguise figures. This Grimlock figure changes between modes in 3 quick steps. Grimlock loves punching Decepticons. He's always ready to join the battle and smash some bad guys. Thing is, his alternate mode -- T-Rex -- doesn't blend in too well when the team is traveling around Crown City. The big goofball is always looking for ways to disguise himself and join the mission. He rescans his armor with a stealth look he's convinced will blend in with the scenery and calls himself a Stealthasaurus Rex. Because, you know, a made-up dinosaur is much more normal than a real T-Rex. No one who sees him will suspect a thing... Autobot Grimlock measures approximately 8-inches tall in robot mode. Ages 6 and up.
Price: 20.99 |